All our staff are employed by us directly and are subject to a robust employment and vetting procedure; and are checked with a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) formerly called Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) and Protection of Vulnerable Adult (POVA) checks and References are obtained from their latest employers.

Once the above requirements have been fulfilled, they will receive and participate in mandatory training, which includes induction training, general health and safety training, moving and handling of people and medication management.  Prior to working with service users, all new staff will shadow our experienced staff until we are satisfied they are ready to work alone with service users.

In addition, we are providing an ongoing training and personal development for our support staff and encourage them to take additional qualifications such as Health and Social Care Diplomas.

Our support staff are well equipped to provide our service users with high-quality support that places them at the centre of any planning and decision making, enabling them to have control over their lives. Our staff are therefore enabled and supported to:

  • Treat people with dignity and respect;
  • Focus on people’s potential and strengths;
  • Value each person as a unique individual;
  • Accept people for who they are and what they have achieved;
  • Listen non-judgementally to people’s experiences;
  • Be genuinely concerned for the person’s wellbeing; and
  • Be creative and innovative when supporting someone to realise their potential.